Health Manager Orientation Guide

Sharing Information About Staff Wellness

Programs that focus on staff well-being help create a culture of wellness to allow staff to feel healthy, happy, safe, and valued.

Tips and Strategies for Professional Development for Staff

A smiling woman taking notes.
  • Support staff by offering opportunities for them to take care of themselves so they can show up to work and do their best every day.
  • Use staff training sessions to collect data about staff’s strengths, needs, and wants that can inform the SWAP.
  • Schedule staff training sessions that cover the eight dimensions of the Cultivating Wellness resource.
  • Work with people in your community to create professional development opportunities to help staff reach their goals for health, mental health, safety, social experiences, financial wellness, and more.
  • Invite your Health and Mental Health Services Advisory Committee to review the SWAP and to advise on physical and mental health activities for staff.

Resources for Staff Professional Development

These staff wellness resources include recorded webinars, tip sheets, videos, posters, and more. 

The Cultivating Wellness: Strategies to Improve Your Health and Well-being learning course, available on the Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio, can help staff identify personal wellness goals.

Collaborating with Families

Staff often live in the same communities as the families whose children attend the Head Start program. Many of the wellness needs of staff are the same as those of families. Families may also want to learn more about staff wellness activities so they can participate in them or support them.

Tips and Strategies for Collaborating with Families

  • Share your SWAP with families so they know what the program’s goals are, and so they can benefit from some of the ideas and strategies in the plan.
  • Use your Health and Mental Health Services Advisory Committee members to help tell families about health concerns, mental health issues, and other topics related to family wellness.
  • Adapt wellness resources you have created for your staff to share them with families.
  • Invite families to join some of the wellness activities you offer your Head Start staff.