Immunization Schedules
Find current immunization schedules (from the CDC) for children ages birth through 6 years old, catch-up schedules for children birth to 18 years old and the adult schedule by vaccine and age group.
Find current immunization schedules (from the CDC) for children ages birth through 6 years old, catch-up schedules for children birth to 18 years old and the adult schedule by vaccine and age group.
These tools, for new and experienced staff, address science-informed practices for early childhood health staff. Each is indicative of an attitude, knowledge, or skill. Use this for professional development.
Health Services Advisory Committees (HSACs) help programs to make decisions about health services. Learn how to plan, execute, and evaluate your HSAC.
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay (cavities). Learn when to begin brushing a child’s teeth and how often.
This resource has tips for finding mental health providers, developing partnerships with them, and referring children and families to their services.
Watch this video to learn all about the Bee CALM backpack, including what is is, how to use it, and what to include in your own backpack.
Use this resource to learn more about mental health consultation and how to find a consultant who meets your Head Start program’s unique needs.
This resource offers ways that adults can support children who are learning to use the toilet independently.
Watch this video to learn how CCHCs can help prevent infectious diseases through policies and training, making sure staff have the information they need to maintain healthy learning environment.
Mindfulness in Head Start Settings is a course available on the Individualized Professional Development Portfolio that offers mindfulness strategies for adults and children.