Why It's Important to Get an Influenza Vaccine Every Year
Parent: Have fun today. I have questions.
Teacher: Remember last year when many children and teachers were out sick because of the flu? And you asked me what we could do to prevent the flu?
Parent: Yes. Our family was sick for a week. And I missed work.
Teacher: I was sick too. We had an expert come talk to us. We learned how to prevent the flu and reduce the spread of germs. The flu can make you seriously sick. A flu vaccine protects everyone, the kids in this program, and you, and your family.
Parent: I've heard that the flu vaccine doesn't always work. I know some people who got vaccinated but
still got sick.
Teacher: Many viruses can cause flu symptoms, but influenza is the worst. The vaccine prevents infection from influenza, but not from the other viruses. Getting everyone vaccinated is the most important step.
Parent: Do you get a flu vaccine?
Teacher: Yes. I just had mine. I can't afford to be out of work, so I'll take all the protection I can get. I also do it to protect the kids. Everybody six months and older should get the flu vaccine every year. The flu vaccine sounds important.
Parent: I'll talk with my child's pediatrician about getting my children vaccinated. I'll go get vaccinated, too. Then we'll all be protected.
CloseThe influenza vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older every year. Early care and education staff can use this video to learn about talking to families about the importance of getting an influenza vaccination each year. Understand why getting a vaccination not only protects you from influenza, but it protects your loved ones and those closest to you.