Ongoing Child Assessment: Overview
This in-service suite provides an overview of the role ongoing assessment plays in supporting quality teaching and learning.
Here is a list of recently posted videos and webinars, sorted by date. Use the menu to the left to filter by topic, tag, audience, age group, program type, program option, and series.
This in-service suite provides an overview of the role ongoing assessment plays in supporting quality teaching and learning.
Watch this video to learn more about the transition from the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) to
This insightful panel discussion showcases Head Start programs that have successfully implemented improvements in wages or benefits for their workforce through innovative funding strategies and resource management.
Watch this webinar to hear urban Head Start programs discuss their effective family and community partnership strategies for McKinney-Vento–eligible families.
Watch this video to learn all about the Bee CALM backpack, including what is is, how to use it, and what to include in your own backpack.
Join the Office of Head Start for a conversation about the Aligned Monitoring System 2.0 and explore key monitoring updates for fiscal year 2025.
This video provides practical strategies and tools to support highly individualized teaching and learning in ways that are beneficial to preschoolers' development and learning.
Watch this video to learn how CCHCs can help prevent infectious diseases through policies and training, making sure staff have the information they need to maintain healthy learning environment.
In this video, learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including developmental, learning, and behavior characteristics found in the ASD criteria. Hear family perspectives on supporting young children with ASD.
Learn more about engaging with the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG) on audits and investigations.