Immunization Schedules
Find current immunization schedules (from the CDC) for children ages birth through 6 years old, catch-up schedules for children birth to 18 years old and the adult schedule by vaccine and age group.
Health is the foundation of school readiness. To help children thrive, Head Start staff ensure that children are up to date on immunizations and their state’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) schedule, learn healthy habits, and can access the care they need. Head Start programs also promote the physical and social and emotional well-being of families and staff.
Find current immunization schedules (from the CDC) for children ages birth through 6 years old, catch-up schedules for children birth to 18 years old and the adult schedule by vaccine and age group.
This resource offers ways that adults can support children who are learning to use the toilet independently.
Use this resource to learn about healthy behaviors to reduce germs and how to share information with families during home visits.
Head Start programs can model healthy behaviors and partner with families in support of healthy habits at home. Use this resource to learn about how to partner with families to promote healthy active living.
The only way to know if there is lead in your program’s water is to test it. This tip sheet will answer your questions about testing for lead in your program's drinking water.
This tip sheet will answer your questions about what to do if there is lead in your program's drinking water.
Learn the facts about pertussis, how to prevent it, and what to do if someone in your program has it.
The video provides guidance for how staff can identify the signs of vision conditions in young children. Find strategies for supporting families when children need referrals and treatment for eye care or vision disorders.
This webinar provides an overview of congenital syphilis and explores opportunities for preventing its transmission in tribal communities.
This resource includes tips and information for Head Start staff and other early childhood program staff to care for a child with sickle cell disease.