AIAN Teacher Webinar Series
Engaging Interactions: Using the Scientific Method
Vanessa Maanao-French: Good morning, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us on a beautiful— hopefully more beautiful than it is here in Seattle—Friday morning or afternoon, depending on which time zone you're in. We are going to be starting our webinar, but today, it's all about science, and I'm excited to share this with you. So for those who are new to our webinars, I'd like to introduce myself.
For others, you may have recognized my voice because I've been doing these webinars for forever, and I love it. My name is Vanessa Maanao-French, and I do work here in Seattle at the University of Washington as part of the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. And specifically, my work is focused on supporting programs in Region XI as the program manager for our project here. And there are two other amazing women that you must meet. You've heard their voices before—actually, you just heard Dawn's voice—and they are the behind-the-scenes magicians that make me look really, really great every time I do a webinar. So I'd love for them to introduce themselves to you as well.
So, Dawn?
Dawn Williams: This is Dawn, you just heard me, but those are my two little girls right there. They are three and five years old and just a lot of fun.
Vanessa: And Susan.
Susan Stewart: Good morning. Good morning, everybody, I'm Susan, and I am happy to be here. And just use chat to let us know if you have any difficulties and we'll help you out.
Vanessa: Thank you so much. Let's get started. So this should be familiar to everyone. This is the NCQTL calling card. It is about—it is a picture of everything that we do. This is the Framework for Effective Practice, and, as you know, the foundation is engaging interactions and environments, the two strong pillars are around research-based curriculum and teaching practices and ongoing assessment, and then the roof of our house is highly individualized teaching and learning. Today during our webinar, we're going to focus on the foundation, so those engaging interactions and environments. And specifically, within the foundation—and this is like review, but it's always good, right—there are three big blocks: social and emotional support, well-organized classrooms, and instructional interactions. Today we're going to focus on those instructional interactions. So it's always good to make the connection between what we do in the classroom and what we hope children are gaining through their development and learning. Now, it's pretty much a slam dunk to think about scientific method fitting right within science knowledge and skills. Absolutely, absolutely. But there's so much more. But let's talk about science first really quickly. How are kids learning and what are they learning in the area of science knowledge and skills? Well, it's all those abilities to be able to use your senses to gather information and to observe natural processes and to also make comparisons, right?
So these are things that should sound familiar within science knowledge and skills. But there's also logic and reasoning skills happening within the scientific method, so kids, again, are comparing and they're able to recognize cause and effect, which is very much within logic and reasoning. And also, kids can then take what they know and then make predictions and form hypotheses, and this all fits within logic and reasoning. Next, you might not think about language, but there's so much language that's kind of involved with science, and you can build children's vocabulary by introducing words such as explore, observe, predict, hypothesis, conclusion—the list goes on and on, right? So expanding vocabulary. But again, also, it's those discussions that kids have with each other and with you that can really expand their use of language. And then finally, approaches to learning. We want kids to be curious and inquisitive. I can't think of a better way to do it than to bring in science into your classroom. So here's our first question for you today. I like to kind of get a pulse of what's going on out there.
And this question's about your confidence in teaching science. How confident are you? Very confident, somewhat confident, not confident, but I still try. And if you're with a group of more than one, maybe get a pulse of—you can kind of get an average of what your group is thinking and let us know. Okay, I see that a little over half our group has voted. I'll give you a few more seconds to put your vote in there, too. Be counted. This is science! I was going to make a prediction. And this is kind of actually what my prediction would have been, that we would have far more folks that are feeling somewhat confident in doing science and doing it every once in a while, and then our very confident folks would be kind of in the minority, and that's kind of how it played out. So thank you for voting. We'll see if we can't shift some of that more up to the feeling very confident before the end of this webinar. It's good to see we didn't have any non-confidence, so they open—but that's probably why you're taking this webinar.
Excellent, thank you. So we're going to watch a quick video, and in this video, this is a researcher from the University of Florida, and he's going to talk about the value of just jumping into the pool of science. So I'll talk about it a little bit more after, but let's watch the video.
Dr. Daryl B. Greenfield: Many of teachers currently in the system, especially those working with young kids, have had a bad experience. They're frightened that children will ask them questions that they don't know the answer to. They also think that there is one and only one right answer, there's only one and one way—correct way—of doing something. And it turns out that's really not true. So the difficult thing is to, in some sense, get them to stick their toe in the water, or to at least get into the pool and try it, because what they quickly learn, and we've seen this with teachers that we've worked with in MiamiDade County that are part of a science project that we have there, is that science is a hands-on activity. And teachers, preschool teachers, are good at doing and designing hands-on activities. Children love hands-on activity. And you can see when you start to do science that there is not one and only one way of doing something. And if you don't know the answer, that's part of what science is about. So instead of worrying about, "Oh, the child is going to ask me a question I don't know the answer to," you can say, "That's a great question. How can we use science to help us answer that question?" And there's a lot of resources that are available on the internet or learning how to produce scientific evidence or good evidence to address questions. So part of the excitement for children, and this could be true of teachers as well in doing science, is that it is a method for answering questions. Scientists don't— typically don't know the answer to a question when they pose it. The goal is here you have a method and resources to help you answer that question.
Vanessa: I love that video. And partially, I love that video because it makes the point that we don't have to have the answers in our back pocket, that it's really about joining in the journey of exploration with the children that's most important. So I hope you take away that message and share it with your teachers and with each other as teaching teams to really get excited about science. And when kids ask those questions, that it's great if you don't know the answer, and to be transparent. "You know, I never, ever thought about that. I wonder how we could figure that out together." It's such a more relaxed approach, because if I had to know every answer to every question my three-year-old is going to ask me, my head would explode.
So I'm seeing a couple comments about the video skipping. We'll see what we can do about getting you the video so you can watch it in its entirety. But again, the main thrust of it was be excited about science. Don't worry about not knowing the answer. It's okay, and it's actually a wonderful way to model for children being curious, approaches to learning, and scientific method in one. It's great. So let me tell you what we're going to do today. We're going to provide a definition for what the scientific method is, we're going to give some examples and some strategies to use the scientific method in your classroom. We've already done this, which is fantastic! Check this off our list already.
We've already connected the scientific method to the framework. And we're going to provide some suggestions on how you and your teachers in your program can improve using scientific method in your classroom. So let's get started. And first is to re-emphasize the good news that you do not have to know the answer, because teachers along with children can engage in the scientific method together. I wish I knew this when I was a preschool teacher, or had somebody tell me that. I think I would have been a different and more open teacher for it. So here's our definition of the scientific method. It's a series of steps that help children to understand their world. Very simple. Sometimes I think we shirk at the word. Just "science" can make people nervous depending on your past experience with science. For me, science and math, put them in the same bucket of it makes me a little nervous. Now as I learn more about how children learn and about how engaging science can be and exciting science can be, I view it in a very, very different way. So if you think about it, just it's a way for kids to understand their world. So I'm going to have you go ahead and take a little bit of time to read what's on the screen... about kids at age three and now for something about kids by age four.
What I really appreciate about these two sentences is that it describes kids as early scientists, and we don't always think of them as scientists. We think of them, oh, they're playing. You know, that's—that's great, but in their play, there's so much science going on. So being able to describe events in detail at age three, that's a part of science, that's observation. And being able to understand that there are multiple ways of thinking about something and to be able to revise your thinking about how the world works by age four, that's really developing a hypothesis and testing it and then creating new knowledge, which is really what science is about. So our three- and four-year-olds are scientists, which is really cool. So now we're going to watch another video. This is actually one of my favorite videos probably of all time.
And we've watched it before if you were with us on the Building a Strong Foundation webinar way back in October. But this is a video called "Gravity." So I'd love for you to watch it, and then as you're watching it, I would like for you to notice things about how the teacher approached the children and then how the children responded. So let's watch the video.
Teacher: There is something that has legs. There is something that has arms. It's purple and it's blue and it's brown. Can anybody guess what it is? A what?
Child: A human.
Teacher: A human. It is a human. And, look, this is a very special human. This is a very special human because he has something on his back. He is going to show us something. He is going to tell us about something. Do you know what he's going to tell us? "Well, Mr. Mitch." Yes? How are you doing today? "Very good." What is your name? "Tim." Tim? What are you going to show us today, Tim? "I am going to show you about what keeps people on the ground." What keeps us on the ground? Children: Gravity.
Teacher: Gravity. If we hang string up, this is a question— Child: And gravity pulls it down.
Teacher: If we hang a string up and Tim hangs on the string, what will happen? Child: He'll go down.
Child: Go down.
Teacher: You think he will? Child: Yeah.
Teacher: But what if the string's going across? Will he go across? Child: No.
Child: Yes.
Child: No.
Teacher: Tim will go where? He will hang—should I put that on the string? Okay, Tim, here we go. So everyone needs to sit down. So here it goes, let's see if Tim slides down. What's going to pull him down?
Child: Gravity. Teacher: Five…
Child: Six. All: Four, three, two, one.
Teacher: Here we go, there goes Tim. Ahhh, bonk!
Vanessa: Love the video. Oh, my Sisseton Wahpeton folks, I am so sorry your video is skipping again. So as a quick recap for you all, in the video the teacher kind of did kind of a guessing game at first about what was in his basket, so getting kids to predict what was in the basket based on a couple of clues, which was really nice. And then he was—then he had them test gravity using a string, and you can probably see that just by watching the video. So tell me—I'm kind of telling you some answers now, but what did you see in how Teacher Mitch—what was his approach? What did you notice that he did, but then also what did you notice in the children? I'll give you some time to do that. And then for Sisseton
Wahpeton, this video does exist if you want to watch it later, in your in-service suite DVD that was sent to you. So I want to be sure you're able to see it, and it's within the Scientific Method in-service suite as well as the Building a Strong Foundation in-service suite. So if you want to catch it, please, please do, because it's so great. So I'll give you some time to type away. I see Dayna's already started. Oh, I'm liking your comments. Yes, it's one thing that Mitch is known for, and, Cyprus, you caught that right away, that he made it fun and engaging. He's kind of known for those voices. He's very, very—yeah, he definitely creates a sense of excitement in the group. And then as far as the children's response, yeah, I like your comment, Dayna, about the kids seem really interested in the experiment and they were eager to answer. He's very animated, and that's key. He gets their attention and he holds it. So thank you, Deborah, for sharing that. Yeah, I love the voices. Tim had his own distinct voice. And again, the other comment, too, about coming at it from a place of curiosity. You know, so, "I wonder what will happen." And you could tell, too, that this is an extension of talking about gravity, because kids already started saying, "It's gravity, it's gravity." But it keeps revisiting the concept, which is wonderful. Yes, the kids— you're right, Cyprus, you could tell they were very, very excited about that. There was laughter, there was smiling happening. It was definitely an experiment that kids were engaged in, right? I love this little video.
And what I will tell you, too, about this video that you may not catch right away is that this is a classroom of three-year-old children, so they are younger kids. And Mitch does this wonderful little circle time about how to teach the concept of gravity, which may seem like a really big topic to teach three-year- olds, but they get it. So it's about being really present with the kids, keeping it fun and exciting, getting their attention and holding it. But you can see the kids got curious, they were excited, they were making predictions. All these wonderful things were happening around science with three-year-olds. So let's move on. So let's talk about the scientific method, let's break it down. So, as teachers, you use the scientific method when you help children to ask questions, when you ask children to observe the world around them, when you encourage children to predict during activities, when you create opportunities for children to experiment, and finally when you allow children to discuss the results of the experiment. You know, "What did you learn, what was surprising about it?" So I'd love for us to put this kind of into some context. So share with me and with the whole group of us that are here together today what is your favorite science activity for the kids in your classroom? For me, it was doing the snowball experiment: putting one in the freezer, one in the refrigerator, and then check the next day to see what was different. So what was your favorite science activity? Ooh, I want to know how to make a cloud. The sink and floats, yep. Love that one, it's a classic. Sprouting seeds, growing plants. Oh, Dayna, you're brave, doing volcanoes in the classroom.
That's a messy, messy fun one. Love it, love it. Dancing beans? Okay, I'm going to have to talk to some of you guys later. I might be learning some new ones. Milk races.
Excellent. Magnets. Awesome. That's a lot of science happening out there. Ooh, what attracts ants. That's a good one. I might want to go to your classrooms for some of these. Dancing beans, ants. I might be in. Magnetic painting, I love that. I see some of you guys are still typing, so I want to definitely be sure we get what you're saying. This is exciting! Static electricity. Oh, that's a—I love that, forming it as a question, "Who lives in the grass?" Color changing celery. You guys are good.
Okay, so there's lots of science happening out there. Good deal. Okay, for the person who wrote down milk races and dancing beans, could you put in chat what that is? My own sense of curiosity has just been perked. You don't have to do it now, but, you know, I'm totally curious. So what I would love for you to do is to kind of hold on to that favorite science activity, and I think a couple of you put maybe more than one. Just think about one of those, and as we walk through in more detail the scientific method, think about when you presented that activity to the kids, did it have all of these steps? Okay, so let's talk about each one. So the first step is questions. And we're going to help kids develop their own questions related to their world, right? And so as teaches, you encourage children to ask questions when you model that curiosity. And so some of those favorite science activities were formed as questions, which is great, because then it gets kids to ask more questions, right? So that's one way that you do this. The other way that you do this is that you're listening. Sometimes kids pose questions at the most bizarre time. Maybe it's after coming back from winter break and kids notice that, if you have plants in the classroom that were not watered over winter break, that they look very different, and they may ask questions about that. They may even say, "Oh, no, the plant, what happened to it?" That would be a great time to jump on that, like, "That's a great question, what happened to our plant?" Right? So getting those kids to start questioning and having a space for them to ask those questions is so key. The next step, and think about your little science activity again, are we asking kids to observe using their senses and to closely observe the world around them?
So before we have them, you know, form a hypothesis or create an experiment to answer their question, how are kids being encouraged to gather more information? whether that's, like, the little guy here using a magnifying glass to take a closer look, maybe it's bringing in more books on the topic, maybe it's bringing in parents or elders from the community to talk about how Native stories and culture may answer the question. How can we give children more answers before they get to the prediction and experiment space? And prediction is our next step. So before we even get to experimenting, what do they think will happen next? What do you think, for—in our plant example, right? "What do you think was missing for the plant when we were gone over the vacation?" That may be the question that they come up with, and maybe the prediction they make is maybe it was—it was too cold. That could be one. It could be about water. So they're going to predict. And it's okay to have more than one prediction, because they can certainly test them. The next one is to experiment. And this is where we get to our activities, right? Our activities really are about the experiment part. But did we do those first couple of steps before that, okay? So we really are good at the experiment part, I think. Providing kids with the opportunity for them to test out their questions and how they think those questions might be answered.
And this is the part, the last step, which I think we most often miss. We kind of finish up the experiment, "That was fun," and then kids go back to their free choice area. It's about allowing kids to discuss the results of the experiment and to revisit it again. So just because we did my—one of my favorites, you know, sink/float in small group, revisit it again at large group. Talk about it again the next day at breakfast. I mean, just provide opportunities for kids to continue to discuss what they learned. Again, that expands their language, because now they can talk about their prediction—big word—and how their experiment went, all these wonderful things. And the discussion piece doesn't have to be limited, too, to talking. It'd be great for kids to journal about it, draw pictures of it. What did they learn? Okay, that's all part of discussing. Okay. So let's go back to your science experiment, okay? So your magnets, your dancing beans, your milk. Oh, okay, I'm looking at the milk on the plate thing. I'm totally excited about this. So as you think back about the last time you did that activity with the kids, how many of those steps that we just discussed in the scientific method was incorporated, okay? So hopefully as we continue to go through—and I'm going to share a tool in just a little bit that may help you to add more elements of the scientific method. If you only had—one or two kids were observing and predicting or predicting and experimenting, that's great. So how can we now add in the observation step before that? This is all good stuff, okay? So thank you again for sharing.
Some of you have slam dunks and got all five, nice. And we can continue to build. So here is a tool, and Susan's going to put up some instructions on how you can download it, but this actually walks you through each of the five steps of the scientific method. And it uses the sink/float activity as a way—as an example. So as you're going back and thinking about, you know, "How could I add the questions part to magnets," or whatever your activity was, get some ideas from this. And a way to kind of plan to do it with intention in the future. And as you're looking at your other activities, you can use this to plan and be ready for the kids. All right, so we're going to watch another video. Oh, my goodness, Sisseton Wahpeton, I am so sorry. This is our last video. Because I know you're having some video challenges, but, again, you can get this on your DVD, so I hope you get a chance to watch it later. This is a teacher doing a small group activity conducting what she calls a blubber experiment. This is great; this is coming from our Head Start friends in Alaska. So what I'd love for you to do is watch the video with us—it's about a minute long—and then reflect on what stood out to you in the video. And then we're actually going to share in chat what were the components of the scientific method that you saw in action during this video. So let's watch the video.
Teacher: Ariana, this is—inside here is shortening, it's kind of like the blubber on a polar bear. If a polar bear is in ice water and if your hand's in here, covered with the blubber, what do you predict will happen? What do you think will happen? Do you think your hand will be cold or will it be warm?
Ariana: Warm.
Teacher: Warm? Let's try and see. Girl: My hand was cold.
Teacher: Let's try and see. Ariana predicted that it would be warm. Her hand will be warm. And make sure we cover it, because we want to make sure to protect it. Are you ready?
Ariana: Yeah.
Teacher: Put your hand in there. Girl: Is it cold?
Teacher: Let's put your other hand on the other side so you can feel without the blubber and with the blubber.
Girl: Cold?
Teacher: Which hand feels colder? Ariana: This one.
Teacher: That hand. How come that hand feels colder? Ariana: It don't have the blubber.
Teacher: You're right, it doesn't have the blubber, right. Girl: I got my hand sticky.
Teacher: So if this was a polar bear right here, would he be warm? Ariana: Yes.
Teacher: If that was a polar bear there without blubber, would he be warm? Ariana: No.
Teacher: Then he couldn't survive in the cold, could he? This one could, right? Ariana: Yes.
Teacher: Good job. So what you predicted is that your hand will be warm, and it was, right? Ariana: Yes.
Girl: I want to try again.
Vanessa: Such a sweet video. Okay, so time to reflect, okay? Let me move my little—I need to go to the next... here we go. What stood out to you in the video? If you are sitting by yourself, just go ahead and take a couple minutes to think about it, maybe jot some notes down for yourself. What stood out to you in this video? If you're sitting with more than one person—oh, and this might be our Sisseton Wahpeton friends who didn't get a chance to watch the video. So, Sisseton Wahpeton, what do you think happened in the video? Make a prediction. Just take a couple minutes to discuss and reflect. Okay. Little discussion, little reflect. Now I'd like for you all to share in chat what were some of the examples that you saw of questioning, observing, predicting, experimenting, and discussioning. You don't have to fill in every box, just the ones that you saw, okay? Oh, Kimberly's just jumped right in there. She wants to talk about predicting, awesome. Patty's in there, too. Awesome. And for my Sisseton folks—oh, actually, we got something down here, "experimenting with textures." Okay. Great, okay, I'm seeing some things popping up everywhere, which is wonderful. And for my Sisseton Wahpeton friends, I'm just curious, since it says "teaching staff," how many of you are all together? Okay, so predicting do you think your hand will be cold or hot, what do you predict of your questioning? Yeah, there you go. This is nice. And as you guys are typing, please do keep going. I love this.
You really—and this is only a quick one-minute video. And again, this is a very young Head Start kiddo, and she's only three, and so there's a little bit of scaffolding going on as well. That's how the teacher kind of guided this discussion a little bit, but this is—you guys are really seeing this. I was joking with Susan earlier about—because we watched this video getting ready for the webinar today, and I told myself, you know, or told Susan, "I think when it's really cold outside, this makes me want to just cover myself in shortening when it's cold outside to stay warm." Not very practical.
Okay, experimenting with cold and warm under the experiment. Okay. Got a couple people typing under the discuss box, so I'm going to hold on just a little bit because I'm curious. I did love that little girl who was wanting to relive the experiment through somebody else. She was really excited about it. Ooh, Cyprus, there you go. Could have used—I like that observation. Maybe she could have explained the word "survive" more. That was definitely an opportunity to expand vocabulary. Okay, well, thank you all. Okay, Deborah's got one more comment coming in, this looks great. Okay. And, oh, yeah, there's an opportunity to talk about other animals that have blubber. Excellent. You guys get this.
So you're seeing now how the five steps can be covered and the opportunities that were there but also the opportunities that can be built on, right? So this activity could be improved upon, and that really is key, is to always go back and think through, "That was really great. I wonder what could make it better." So you all were right, and this is just going to be our little review of what was in that video clip. So, yes, one of the key questions that was in this video was, "Does blubber keep the polar bear warm?" right? So you guys nailed that. The child was observing the ways in which the bag of shortening is like blubber and using that in the water. But before she actually got her hands in the water, she had to predict which hand will feel cold in water and with—you know, with the blubber and without, what would be the difference? And then to actually experiment with it. And what I love in this video, and it's really subtle, but when she has her first hand with the shortening in the water and the ice, I mean, she's kind of interested, but when she put her other hand in, you see her eyes just kind of like get big, like, "It's different!" And you could tell there's something going on in her little mind. Her little brain was like, "This is cool," which is what we want, right? And then the discussion at the end where the teacher reinforced that the child made a prediction, her prediction was correct, and then related that from the experiment of using a bag of shortening in cold water to polar bears.
And I think you guys put in there, too, quite a bit that there were more opportunities to expand, which is great, which is why you want to revisit this experiment in other places and spaces in the classroom. So not just this one-on-one or two-on-one experience with these two kids and their teacher, but then how can you bring this back to large group, how can you bring it back when they're outside? How is your coat like blubber on a polar bear, right? So opportunities to discuss and move it further. Okay, so I just kind of made my own point. When can you use the scientific method throughout the day? I can't think of a time when you couldn't. And it's not about doing the full thing from start to beginning, right? You know, the questions, observe, predict—pieces of that. Allow kids opportunity to use pieces of that so they become more and more comfortable with it. So, example, you're reading a book in story time, right? And you show kids just the title page, just the cover of the book. And you ask them to predict what will happen in the story. Just based on the very cover photo, right? "What do you think will happen in the story and why do you think that?" Right? And then they get to test their prediction when they read the book. "What will happen next?" based on what they've learned from the story so far. Great way for kids to become curious, to make those predictions, and then to kind of test out that prediction. I love asking kids questions that kind of boggle my mind, too.
So I have asked this question in my classroom, and it's funny the answers you get. So my question to the kids this time of year would be it's—well, not today, and Maggie will back me up on this. "It's sunny outside, so how come we have to wear our coats?" Right? I mean, that's a great question that kind of gets kids thinking. Or how about this question, right? During a transition between maybe cleaning up free play and lunch, "I can smell lunch, can you smell lunch? What do you think it is?" Right? So getting kids to use their senses and to be natural observers in the classroom, okay? So you can use it throughout the day. Love it. So how can you improve your practice? This first one always makes teachers a little bit nervous, but it's a good one. Okay, video recording yourself is such a great practice, because you get to see not only yourself in action and did you do all the things you planned to do, but more importantly, it's how did the kids react? Did all of the kids get engaged and excited? Was it only one or two? Is there one kid who you missed getting excited and didn't draw them in? Video tape is so powerful. And if you can't video tape or that's a little bit scary, practice with a peer, okay? Trade off observing in each other's classrooms and give each other feedback.
It's amazing what you learn when you get a perspective from outside your own body, even if it's just, "You know, the kids seemed engaged, but you talk really fast. I'm not sure they understood your question," right? So practicing and getting some external observations of your own practice. And then finally, watching a "master teacher" in action. And this may be the case in your program, or maybe it's you. There's somebody who's really, really good at doing science in your program. Video tape them or get to spend some time in their classroom or talk with them about what makes it work. Every teacher is—has a different set of strengths, and if you can learn from one another, that is—that just makes the entire team stronger. I was more about art activities, the teacher across the hall was really good at science but not good at art activities, and so being able to trade off expertise, again, just makes your entire team stronger. So in summary, this is the scientific method. And remember, this is about how we help kids better understand their world by helping them form questions, encouraging them to observe, letting them have an opportunity to predict and to create experiments, and then finally allowing space and time to discuss the results of those experiments. That's the scientific method.
Not so scary. And I want to be sure you have this Quick Tips for Teachers. This is the summary of our hour together as we're winding down. This is great to put in your planning binder, but it's also nice to post in your classroom for people who visit, whether it be parents or other classroom volunteers, so they, too, know how to encourage the scientific method in your classroom. And this particular little handout, this Tips for Teachers, is nice because it walks through each of the steps, and then it gives a quick example of what that might look like in your classroom. If you want access to this Tips for Teachers later, it is part of your AIAN in-service suite DVD, and it is the same tool that is in the big binder, the boxset binder. So the tool did not change even though we did make some tweaks to the AIAN version for the PowerPoint. We're winding down. I don't want to let you go.
So again, this is what we talked about today. It's been an absolute pleasure being with you all this morning or this early afternoon, depending on your time zone, talking about the scientific method. And with that, I'm going to say goodbye, happy Friday, enjoy your weekends, and thank you again for being with us. Our next webinar will be on providing feedback to children in the month of February. And again, it's always the second Friday of the month, so that's going to be Valentine's Day. Spend your Valentine's Day with us. Have a great day, everyone.
[End video]
CloseChildren start to inquire about the world around them as early as birth. The scientific method provides a framework to support this natural curiosity. Use the method’s five steps to help expand children’s understanding of their environment. The steps include: ask questions, make observations, predict possible outcomes, experiment with novel items, and discuss actual outcomes.