Roundtable Introductions at the Meeting
Lindsey Lawrence: I'm Lindsey Lawrence, I'm the consulting teacher that works with Head Start. I've worked with Shauna for the last couple of years; I've been in her room since the beginning of this year so I've seen Nathaniel around a little bit. I'm looking forward to continuing that relationship, and I hear that he's just a great kid and I'm looking forward to getting to know him more!
Jennifer: And I'm Jennifer, I'm the early childhood specialist education coordinator, and so I work with Lindsey at the school district. Kristen: I'm Kristen and I'm good friends with... with... Carmella and Othniel, and our sons play together, so he's been to my house a lot, so... Well, good.
Kristen: So I'm just here to support. Ochniel: I'm Othniel, and I'm Nathaniel's dad. Carmella: And I'm Carmella, and I'm Nathaniel's mom. Shauna: Amd I'm Shauna Hawkins, Nathaniel's teacher. Kelly: I'm Kelly, and I'm the family support specialist of ... Head Start.
Chris: I'm Chris, and I'm the disabilities service coordinator, and I work with Shauna and she's doing great things about Nathaniel. Marianna: Hi, I'm Marianna and I'm the school psychologist. Jeanette: I'm Jeanette, the speech therapist and I'll be working with Nathaniel. Cherie: And I'm Cherie, I'm the occupational therapist, and I get to see him a couple times a week!
CloseThis video explores the roles of attendees at a typical Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. Attendees required to be a part of the IEP team include a school district representative, Head Start disabilities coordinator, parent or guardian, and at least one member from the evaluation team. Those highly encouraged to attend include advocates for the family, itinerant teachers, related service professionals, a school district psychologist, and anyone else the family would like to invite.