Ask a Friend to Play
Teacher: Okay, you guys. I know you guys are so smart and you know how to do this, but we're going to do some review. Today we are going to talk about, "How to ask our Friends to Play." Okay? There are so many different ways to ask our friends to play. Let's see, what are some right ways to ask? If you guys know, you can raise your hand. What are some different ways to ask your friends to play? Laurel?
Laurel: You can say, "Merci" if they were French and then they say [inaudible].
Teacher: Wow, French? Wow. Thanks, Laurel. Nicole?
Nicole: If your friend can't talk, maybe use sign language.
Teacher: You can use sign language, right? How might you do that, Nicole?
Nicole: Like this [Hand gestures].
Teacher: Oh, or maybe like even, [Hand gestures] "Come play with me"? Wow, right. You know what? I have one, let's see. That is what this boy is doing. He is asking a friend to come play, with his hand, like this [Hand gestures].
Let's see, who can try this? Let me see. Nicole, why don't you come up? Since it was your idea. You can, let's see, ask Akariya to come and play with you. Well, I'll show you. Come over here. You could come over here and say, "Will you come here? Come on and play with me. Let's go play." You can say it with your words, too. You can use your hands and say, "Let's go and play."
Nicole: Let's go play.
Teacher: Nice, guys. Okay, give them a round of applause.
CloseIn this video, an educator leads a group activity to teach young children how to ask a friend to play by using words, signs, or gestures. She then calls on children to demonstrate the skill.