School Readiness

Social Infant


Domain: Social and Emotional Development

Sub-Domain: Relationships with Adults

Goal IT-SE 1. Child develops expectations of consistent, positive interactions through secure relationships with familiar adults.

 By 36 Months
  • Shows emotional connection and attachment to familiar adults.
  • Turns to familiar adults for protection, comfort, and getting needs met.

Goal IT-SE 2. Child uses expectations learned through repeated experiences in primary relationships to develop relationships with other adults.

 By 36 Months
  • Engages in and may initiate behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults.
  • Uses familiar adults for reassurance when engaging with new adults.

Goal IT-SE 3. Child learns to use adults as a resource to meet needs.

 By 36 Months
  • Seeks assistance from familiar adults in new or difficult situations, such as reaching for a toy on a high shelf.
  • Shows preference for familiar adults when in distress.

Sub-Domain: Relationships with Other Children

Goal IT-SE 4. Child shows interest in, interacts with, and develops personal relationships with other children.

 By 36 Months
  • Shows increasing interest in interacting with other children.
  • Shows preference for particular playmates, such as greeting friends by name.

Goal IT-SE 5. Child imitates and engages in play with other children.

 By 36 Months
  • Uses multiple strategies, such as imitating or responding, in order to enter play with other children.
  • Engages in extended play with other children with a common focus.
  • Engages in simple cooperative play with other children.
women playing with infantYoung children engage in positive interactions with adults in a variety of situations, including everyday routines. When they develop trusting relationships, they are able to more fully explore the world.

Sub-Domain: Emotional Functioning

Goal IT-SE 6. Child learns to express a range of emotions.

 By 36 Months
  • Expresses a variety of emotions through facial expressions, sounds, gestures, or words.
  • Uses words to describe some feelings or emotions that reflect an awareness of other people's emotions.

Goal IT-SE 7. Child recognizes and interprets emotions of others with the support of familiar adults.

 By 36 Months
  • Recognizes feelings and emotions of others.
  • Responds to feelings and emotions of others with support from familiar adults.
  • Describes feelings of characters in a book with support from an adult.

Goal IT-SE 8. Child expresses care and concern towards others.

 By 36 Months
  • Shows care and concern for others, including comforting others in distress.
  • Responds to needs of others and tries to help others with simple tasks.

Goal IT-SE 9. Child manages emotions with the support of familiar adults.

 By 36 Months
  • Uses different ways to calm or comfort self when upset.
  • Responds positively to emotional support from adults and other children.

Sub-Domain: Sense of Identity and Belonging

Goal IT-SE 10. Child shows awareness about self and how to connect with others.

 By 36 Months
  • Shows awareness of self, including own body, abilities, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Shows awareness of others as having thoughts and feelings separate from own.

Goal IT-SE 11. Child understands some characteristics of self and others.

 By 36 Months
  • Recognizes own name.
  • Identifies some physical characteristics of self, such as hair color, age gender, or size.
  • Recognizes some similarities and differences between self and others.

Goal IT-SE 12. Child shows confidence in own abilities through relationships with others.

 By 36 Months
  • Shows confidence in increasing abilities.
  • Shows others what they can do.

Goal IT-SE 13. Child develops a sense of belonging through relationships with others.

 By 36 Months
  • Identifies self as a member of a family.
  • Points to or names self and other familiar people, such as in photos or pictures.
  • Talks about family members, familiar people, or friends who may not be present.
women playing with infantBy participating in familiar activities and routines, children develop a sense of belonging and gain self-confidence.