Esta serie de videos proporciona una visión general concisa de las mejores prácticas de Recursos Humanos (RR. HH.) y otros recursos relacionados para ayudar a los programas a abordar las necesidades del personal. En estos videos animados, los líderes de RR. HH. comparten sus estrategias para mejorar las políticas y procedimientos de RR. HH. Aprenda cómo mejorar las prácticas de reclutamiento y contratación, cultivar una fuerza laboral comprometida y salvaguardar la equidad de dicha fuerza laboral.
Retención de personal: herramientas de permanencia
Retención de personal: herramientas de permanencia
(En inglés)
HR Matters: Stay Tools
Narrator 1: [Music] Hi, I’m Wanda Workforce. Today’s conversation is about staff retention and the advantages of implementing stay tools in your program.
The Society for Human Resource Management tells us, instead of waiting to ask departing employees about their reasons for leaving, the stay interview proactively explores what makes employees likely to stay or leave. This approach provides valuable retention information to leadership and HR.
Narrator 2: Gallup offers the 12 engagement elements, which have been continually reviewed over the past 20 years for accuracy. They found repeated themes, which support employees in achieving high productivity. These include clear role expectations, the ability to do what they do best, communication about their organization’s mission and purpose, professional and individual learning, as well as development opportunities.
Gallup has grouped the 12 engagement elements into 4 categories: basic needs, individual, teamwork, and growth. Consider these 12 engagement elements when developing or revising your stay tools. It can be a great starting point to build staff engagement and belonging.
Now some key factors to consider when developing a uniquely designed stay tool for your program are:
- Purpose and objectives: Determine what specific insights or information you wish to gather from employees.
- Confidentiality: Assure the employees their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
- Benchmarking for continuous improvement: Conduct stay surveys or interviews with a frequency that allows you to track changes and possibly conduct a trends analysis.
Narrator 1: That’s right! The last key factor to consider when designing a tool is actionable insights. Ask yourself, what actions might this create to ensure staff retention?
[Music] Bet you thought of some! Please take actionable insights into consideration as you develop or revise your stay tools.
Ultimately, when employees feel their needs are met, they become happier, perform better, and are more likely to stay longer at your organizations.
See you next time on HR Matters!
CerrarEste video de Los RR. HH. importan analiza las ventajas de implementar herramientas de permanencia en su programa para abordar la retención del personal. Aprenda por qué el uso de una herramienta de permanencia es una forma eficaz de saber si su organización está cumpliendo con las expectativas y las necesidades de crecimiento de los empleados (video en inglés).
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Resource Type: Artículo
National Centers: Gestión de Programas y Operaciones Fiscales
Program Option: Opción basada en el centro
Audience: Directores y gerentes
Última actualización: January 9, 2025