Play Promotes Early Development: It’s Time for Play!
Children learn through play every single day. Watch these videos to find out what — and how — children learn as they play.
A high-quality, research-based curriculum promotes measurable progress toward children’s development. The content and learning outcomes of the curriculum align with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) and state early care and education standards. It provides guidance on what (content) and how (learning experiences and teaching practices) to teach. Content is drawn from current child development science, the interests and ideas of the children, family input, and the values of the community. A curriculum also provides ways to create nurturing and responsive practices, interactions, and environments that foster trust and emotional security. It helps families to actively engage in their child’s education. Staff use what they know about each child's strengths and needs and each family's goals to plan their use of the curriculum.
Children learn through play every single day. Watch these videos to find out what — and how — children learn as they play.
Learn more about a culturally responsive approach to implementing a curriculum and its key components. Find ways to partner with families to provide children with culturally responsive learning experiences.
In this 15-minute In-service Suite, learn how education staff can implement a curriculum responsive to individual children's interests.
This 15-minute In-service Suite describes how education staff can implement a curriculum that is responsive to children's development and learning.
Messy play is the open-ended exploration of materials and their properties. Learn ways to manage the mess as children learn foundational cognitive principles and exercise motor, language, and social skills.
In this video, learn about the specific learning that happens when infants and toddlers engage in messy play. Find out about effective practices staff can use to manage the mess while also managing the classroom.
Learn about emergent writing and the writing process. Discover ways to support children's emergent writing skills.
This suite highlights the key components of make-believe play. It describes what play looks like for children ages birth to 5 and provides practical ways to support make-believe play for all children.
This resource provides guiding questions for exploring how a curriculum fosters children's thinking skills and a deeper understanding of concepts.
Children learn by doing. Use these resources to find out how children’s learning experiences build on their natural interests and curiosity about the world and lead to learning and development.