Foster Collaborative Governance Through Communication
This Management Minute video considers how open communication fosters collaborative governance.
This resource collection covers Head Start entities that set program direction, exercise fiscal and legal oversight, and ensure stakeholder input and accountability to the community. These entities include program management, Policy Councils and committees, governing bodies, and Tribal Councils. Leadership and governance are foundational to establishing sound management systems and providing quality services. They are essential to all 12 components of the Management Systems Wheel. Program leadership is also one of the program foundations in the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework.
This Management Minute video considers how open communication fosters collaborative governance.
This Management Minute video describes how corrective action plans address audit findings and guide compliance.
In the Head Start A to Z, 2.0 learning modules, explore Head Start’s history, guiding regulations, and management systems. Find easy-to-adapt resources to tailor trainings for staff and other stakeholders.
Use this self-paced, interactive training module to refine your governance knowledge and leadership skills. Explore engaging activities and real-world scenarios.
Identify the duties and rules related to a Head Start program’s Policy Council, management staff, and governing body/Tribal Council.
The Governance Readiness Assessment helps organizations review their processes. Governing bodies can use it to assess their capacity to oversee and monitor a Head Start program.
This screener identifies ways to improve program governance and build leadership capacity. The accompanying form certifies that programs conducted the required screening.
This resource contains the Head Start Act of 2007 citations that relate to program governance.
Review requirements for implementing a management system that provides effective oversight of all program areas, promotes clear staff roles and responsibilities, and ensures staff understand reporting procedures.
Each agency’s governing body and Policy Council jointly must establish written procedures for resolving internal disputes between the two governance groups in a timely manner.