What Is the Policy Council?
Parents and family members often have questions about their program’s Policy Council. Explore this tip sheet to learn answers to common questions about the Policy Council.
These resources explore the purpose and functions of the entity responsible for the direction of the Head Start program at the grant recipient level.
Parents and family members often have questions about their program’s Policy Council. Explore this tip sheet to learn answers to common questions about the Policy Council.
You have served on the Policy Council. Now it is time for other parents to have the opportunity to be a member. Explore this tip sheet to learn more about leaving the Policy Council.
In this series, learn how to support parents serving on your program’s Policy Council. Find tip sheets to help parents better understand how to join, ways to serve, and when to leave the Policy Council.
Explore this tip sheet to help you decide whether to join your program’s Policy Council.
In this this tip sheet, learn more about being a Policy Council member. Find out about training and how to engage in making policy suggestions.
As a parent or family member serving on the Policy Council, you are part of your program’s leadership. Use this tool to reflect on how your program is partnering with families using the framework.
In this resource, learn how to partner with parents. Explore how to support their growth as leaders and advocates on the Policy Council.
This resource contains the Head Start Act of 2007 citations that relate to program governance.
Each agency’s governing body and Policy Council jointly must establish written procedures for resolving internal disputes between the two governance groups in a timely manner.
Head Start agencies must provide appropriate training and technical assistance to the governing body, any advisory committee members, and the Policy Council, to include training on the HSPPS requirements.