Head Start Program Facts: Fiscal Year 2023
The Head Start Program Fact Sheets are designed to provide a snapshot of compelling data collected throughout the program year. Fact sheets include data on enrollment, staffing, and budgeting.
Head Start Program Facts contain yearly information around demographics, state allocations, program statistics, and general information on Head Start enrollment history. This data is drawn from the Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) and the Head Start Enterprise System (HSES). For a copy of the PIR form, detailed reports, data sets for the most recent PIR and prior years, and further information, please visit the PIR page. Download the Head Start Federal Funding and Funded Enrollment History for more than 50 years of appropriations information.
Throughout these fact sheets, unless otherwise specified, the term Head Start refers to the Head Start program as a whole, including: Head Start services to preschool children; Early Head Start services to infants, toddlers, and pregnant women; services to families by American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) programs; and services to families by Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) programs.
The term funded enrollment refers to the number of children and pregnant women that are supported by federal Head Start funds in a program at any one time during the program year; these are sometimes referred to as enrollment slots. Funded enrollment numbers include enrollment slots funded by state or other funds when used by grantees as required nonfederal match. States may provide additional funding to local Head Start programs which is not included in federal Head Start reporting.
The term cumulative enrollment refers to the actual number of children and pregnant women that Head Start programs serve throughout the entire program year, inclusive of enrollees who left during the program year and the enrollees who filled those empty places. Due to turnover, more children and families may receive Head Start services cumulatively throughout the program year, all of whom are reported in the PIR, than indicated by the funded enrollment numbers.
This page includes the latest fact sheets. For previous years, see archived Head Start Program Facts.
The Head Start Program Fact Sheets are designed to provide a snapshot of compelling data collected throughout the program year. Fact sheets include data on enrollment, staffing, and budgeting.
The Head Start Program Fact Sheets are designed to provide a snapshot of compelling data collected throughout the program year. Fact sheets include data on enrollment, staffing, and budgeting.
Explore federal appropriations, annual funding, and program year statistics of the Head Start program for the 2021 fiscal year.
Explore federal appropriations, annual funding, and program year statistics of the Head Start program for the 2020 fiscal year.
Explore the federal appropriations, annual funding, and program year statistics of Head Start programs for the 2019 fiscal year.