Framework for Effective Practice
The Framework for Effective Practice, or House Framework, promotes meaningful learning, equity, social and emotional development, and school readiness for children from birth to 5 years old.
Welcome, we are so glad you’re here! As a teacher or family child care professional, you are essential to helping children get ready to succeed in school and in life.
Are you new to the profession or maybe an experienced educator new to teaching and caregiving in a Head Start program? The resources below can help you become familiar with Head Start education services for all children ages birth to 5.
Get oriented to the six essential elements of quality teaching and learning with the Framework for Effective Practice. The Early Learning Outcomes Framework describes what the continuum of learning looks like for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Together, they offer important foundational knowledge for teachers and family child care professionals.
Other resources in this collection cover topics like curriculum, child screening and assessment, and transitions.
The Framework for Effective Practice, or House Framework, promotes meaningful learning, equity, social and emotional development, and school readiness for children from birth to 5 years old.
The ELOF framework is designed to show the continuum of learning of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. It is grounded in comprehensive research around what young children should know and be able to do during their early years.
This in-service suite provides an overview of the role ongoing assessment plays in supporting quality teaching and learning.
These pictures and visuals help present important information in a way that children can understand and use. They encourage engagement and learning in many different settings, routines, and activities.
During transitions, infants and toddlers need adult support. Learn how adults can help by building caring relationships, offering consistent routines, and being flexible to meet the unique needs of each child
This resource offers sequenced guidance for programs to use as they implement the recommendations in Classroom Language Models: A Leader's Implementation Manual.
Explore information about developmental screening, selecting screening tools, process, timing, and more.
Find resources about how to select and implement a research-based curriculum. Learn ways teachers, family child care providers, and home visitors can put research-based curriculum and teaching practices to work.
Explore this infographic about how families and Head Start programs staff work together to serve young children with special needs.
Learn more about the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) anywhere you go, by downloading this useful mobile app designed for teachers.