School Readiness

Access and Continuity

PFCE framework navigation graphic.Program LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentContinuous Learning and Quality ImprovementProgram EnvironmentFamily PartnershipsTeaching and LearningCommunity PartnershipsAccess and ContinuityFamily Well-BeingPositive Parent-Child RelationshipsFamilies as Lifelong EducatorsFamilies as LearnersFamily Engagement In TransitionsFamily Connections to Peers and CommunityFamilies as Advocates and LeadersChild OutcomesPositive and Goal Oriented RelationshipsCultural and Linguistic Responsiveness

Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance (ERSEA) procedures are developed using community assessment data and engaging former and currently enrolled families, staff, and community members. These policies and procedures help Head Start programs provide services for families most in need of them. The intention is to address specific challenges, such as family homelessness, that can interfere with consistent service access. Transitions practices can also ensure effective moves from Early Head Start to Head Start and on to other early childhood education programs or schools.

Key Resources