Criterion 12
Linguistic Responsiveness
The curriculum supports linguistic responsiveness. Linguistic responsiveness refers to practices that support the learning, development, and engagement of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds. It involves partnering with families to intentionally support the development and learning of children who are dual language learners (DLLs). The curriculum provides guidance to families to support the home language while providing suggestions on how to expose children to English.
Partners for a Healthy Baby
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: The curriculum offers minimal guidance for how to intentionally support the development and learning of children who are DLLs. Two handouts specifically focus on asking families their preference of language learning and on the need to have a plan for exposing children to all languages that the child is learning, including the child's home language. One handout, "Benefits of Growing Up Multilingual," describes the strengths of learning two or more languages and encourages parents to talk with the child in English and in the child's home language. However, throughout the curriculum, very little guidance on how home visitors and families can support the development of children who are DLLs is provided.
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: The Baby TALK curriculum does not provide guidance for how to intentionally support the development and learning of children who are DLLs.
Parents as Teachers Foundational 2 Curriculum: 3 Years Through Kindergarten
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: A variety of resources in the curriculum provide specific guidance encouraging dual language development. For example, the "Bilingual Language Development" resource describes the benefits of growing up as a DLL. It also provides prompts for parents as they consider goals for their child's language development. Many resources provide strategies for parents to support their child's home language development and other languages they are learning (e.g., "Learning More Than One Language," "Print in Two Languages," "Sharing Books through Conversation").
Parents as Teachers Foundational Curriculum: Prenatal to 3
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: Throughout the curriculum materials, including resources for home visitors and parent handouts, Parents as Teachers provides specific guidance on how home visitors can intentionally support parents and families in using their home language as well as in providing experiences that expose children to English. For example, "Bilingual Families: A Special Advantage" describes the developmental benefits that children gain when they are spoken to in their home language (e.g., "cognitive advantages," "better selective attention"). A parent handout, "Your Toddler Knows Two Languages," describes what to expect of children who are DLLs. It offers strategies to support children in their language development. In addition, some activities include prompts to explore the home language (e.g., "Helping Parents Share Music with Their Child").
Growing Great Kids™ for Preschoolers
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: Growing Great Kids™ for Preschoolers does not provide guidance on how to intentionally support the development and learning of children who are DLLs or those who are learning tribal languages. The curriculum includes one brief mention of how children who are learning two languages "may do better on standardized tests," but no information on dual language development or collaborating with families on how to support children's development of both their home language and English.
Growing Great Kids™: Prenatal–36 Months
Full Review & RatingsLinguistic Responsiveness: The curriculum offers some general guidance on supporting the development and learning of children who are DLLs. For example, handouts such as "Two Languages Are Better Than One" and "Benefits of Being a Bilingual Child" list advantages of learning two languages and provide conversation prompts for home visitors to discuss bilingualism with parents. Limited specific guidance is provided on how home visitors can explicitly support parents' use of their home or tribal languages in learning experiences or routines.