The following sources were used to support development of the Family Economic Mobility Toolkit.
[1] Devah Pager and Hana Shepherd, Annual Review of Sociology, “The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets,” Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 34:181-209 (first published online as a Review in Advance on March 17, 2008).
[2] Isabel V. Sawhill, "The Behavioral Aspects of Poverty," Brookings Institute, (September 1, 2003).
[3] Lee Knifton and Greig Inglis, “Poverty and mental health: policy, practice and research implications,” BJPsychBull, (Oct. 2020); 44 (5); 193–196. National Library of Medicine/National Center for Biotechnology Information.
[4] Derek C.Ford (PhD), Joanne Klevens (MD, PhD, MPH), Marilyn Metzler (RN, MPH), Melissa T. Merrick (PhD), and Katie A. Ports (PhD), “Adverse childhood experiences and life opportunities: Shifting the narrative,”; Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 72 (January 2017): 141-149
[5] Derek C.Ford (PhD), Joanne Klevens (MD, PhD, MPH), Marilyn Metzler (RN, MPH), Melissa T. Merrick (PhD), and Katie A. Ports (PhD), “Adverse childhood experiences and life opportunities: Shifting the narrative,”; Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 72 (January 2017): 141-149
[6] Pew Trusts Center, "Neighborhood Poverty and Household Financial Security," ISSUE BRIEF; (January 28, 2016).
[7] David Neumark, “Concentrated Poverty and the Disconnect Between Jobs and Workers,” Econofact, University of California, Irvine, (January 22, 2019).
[8] Jandhyala B. G. Tilak, "Education and Poverty," Journal of Human Development, 3:2, (2002): 191-207, DOI: 10.1080/14649880220147301
[9] No pub date info provided.
[10] Head Start History
[11] Lessons From a Historic Decline in Child Poverty
[12] Suspension and Expulsion: FAQs
[13] Rachel Brooks, "Taking Action on Financial Wellness in Times of Stress," The Prosperity Agenda, September 23, 2020.
[14] Mani, Mullainathan, Sharif, & Zhao, 2013
[15] U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2010.
[16] CFPB, 2022
[17] Atkison, Boguslaw, Chaganti, Shapiro, & Thomas, 2013
[18] U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.
[19] U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.
[21] Gangopadhyaya et al., Journal of Public Economics, Oct. 2020
[22] Evans & Garthwaite, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2014
[23] Thompson, 2019; Bastian & Michelmore, Journal of Labor Economics, Feb. 2018; Michelmore, 2014
[24] Averett & Wang, 2018
[25] Bailey et al., 2020
[26] Hoynes et al., 2016
[27] Bailey et al., 2017
[28] Lee Knifton and Greig Inglis, “Poverty and mental health: policy, practice and research implications,” BJPsychBull, Oct. 2020; 44 (5); 193–196. doi: 10.1192/bjb.2020.78
[29] FDIC, 2021.
[30] U.S. Department of Labor, n.d.
[31] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[32] Alliance for Quality Career Pathways, 2014.
[33] Birken, Moriary & White, 2018.
[34] Atkison, Boguslaw, Chaganti, Shapiro, & Thomas, 2013.
[35] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[36] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[37] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[38] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[39] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 2015.
[40] ACF-IM-HS-22-03
Last Updated: January 2, 2025