10 Steps for Your Program to Follow

The DLLPA self-assessment tool helps programs take a look at their implementation of a coordinated approach for children who DLLs. It also ensures culturally and linguistically responsive practices for all children. With this tool, you can assess both systems and services in your program.

Getting Ready

  • Determine:
    • Who in your program will fill out the DLLPA: Management team? Teams representing different systems and services?
    • How they will fill it out: Individual sections? The entire tool?
  • Review the 10 sections, including Head Start Program Performance Standards that refer to children who are DLLs, culture, and language, and questions referring to relevant program practices which support the regulations.

  • Gather supporting documents or information to answer the questions (e.g., Program Information Report (PIR), community assessment, aggregated child data, screening data).

Completing the Tool

  • Review your score at the end of each section. Online scoring is automatic; tally your score manually if using a printed version.

What's Next?

  • Focus on areas of strength (higher scores). Congratulate yourself!
  • Identify areas needing improvement (lower scores).
  • Plan action steps using results from the DLLPA

Take the DLL Program Assessment