A Workbook for Head Start Programs
One-third of the children in Head Start programs are dual language learners (DLLs) who are learning English while also learning their home language. Virtually all of these children will code switch. In other words, they mix two or more languages in the same sentence while speaking. It is important that teachers, home visitors, and other staff understand what code switching is, the role it plays in language development, and how to respond to it.
This easy to use workbook defines and describes code switching. It identifies who code switches and explains why code switching matters. It also includes numerous examples of how adults can provide strong language models for children when they code switch. The workbook format allows this resource to be used as a professional development tool that can be completed by an individual or used as activities in group training.
For the complete workbook for Early Head Start and Head Start programs, see Code Switching: Why It Matters and How to Respond.
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Resource Type: Article
National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning
Program Option: Center-Based Option
Audience: Teachers and Caregivers
Last Updated: February 21, 2025