Accessibility for Audio/Video
The guidelines in this section cover how to develop audio/video presentations in English or Spanish that are accessible to all users, including people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Content for the Office of Head Start (OHS) is created by many organizations and individuals. Decisions made during content development affect our audience’s ability to find, understand, and use it. The Web and Communications Standards ensure consistent use of language, design, and styles across products, regardless of their authorship. Consistency in these matters is key to creating a unified voice for OHS, as well as complying with federal regulations. These choices are kept current using research into best practice and input from OHS and the National Training and Technical Assistance Centers Communications Workgroup, as well as evolving federal standards.
The guidelines in this section cover how to develop audio/video presentations in English or Spanish that are accessible to all users, including people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Review words and terms commonly used in Head Start content, noting use of uppercase vs. lowercase.
Review requirements for citing the Head Start Program Performance Standards, attributing content, and using and including bibliographies, endnotes, and reference lists in Head Start content.
Review guidelines for including photos and video in social media posts.
KUMAD is an important approach, not only for search engine optimization but also for making the site easier to use.
Use these guidelines to apply SEO strategies and best practices when developing and updating searchable content for
Refer to these sample phrases and paragraphs used across the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC). Update titles, dates, and other relevant details as needed.
The Head Start Information and Communication Center coordinates an annual process of revising and updating content on pages and files.
Review the requirements for translating e-blasts into Spanish. This information should be used in conjunction with general e-blast standards.
These guidelines support high-quality, consistent, and reliable Spanish translations of information, tools, and resources developed on behalf of the Office of Head Start.