Addressing Barriers that Limit Attendance
Many programs may face low family attendance at group socializations for a variety of reasons. Find out ways programs can meet this challenge and address low family attendance.
Programs that offer a home-based option are required to provide group socializations a specific number of times a year. Socialization opportunities offer age-appropriate activities for children and give families the chance to participate in shared experiences that increase their understanding child development. Group socializations with preschoolers also facilitate peer interactions and encourage parents to actively participate in planned activities.
Resources here focus on many topics related to socializations, including ways to increase family attendance, tips for effective supervision, and designing environments that foster learning.
Many programs may face low family attendance at group socializations for a variety of reasons. Find out ways programs can meet this challenge and address low family attendance.
Learn ways supervisors can make sure home visitors have adequate resources to conduct socializations.
Home visits are the main vehicle to deliver comprehensive services to young children and families. Explore how twice-monthly group socializations are also an important and required part of home-based services.
In this tip sheet, learn about designing classroom and socialization environments for infants and toddlers. Find tips for buildings, facilities, and learning environments. Explore relevant standards and resources.
Use this tip sheet to learn ways to set up appropriate group socialization environments for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families.