Mental Health Referrals for Children and Families
This resource has tips for finding mental health providers, developing partnerships with them, and referring children and families to their services.
Mental health consultation (MHC) is an evidence-based approach that pairs mental health professionals with people who work with young children and their families.
Explore these resources to learn about MHC, including how to choose and use a consultant and deliver effective MHC services.
This resource has tips for finding mental health providers, developing partnerships with them, and referring children and families to their services.
Use this resource to learn more about mental health consultation and how to find a consultant who meets your Head Start program’s unique needs.
This video shows how IECMHC can address challenges such as staff wellness, staff morale, and challenging behavior. It also highlights a new course on the Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio.
Learn important information about the foundations of infant and early childhood mental health consultation in this course available on the Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio.
This webinar describes activities that an IECMH consultant engages in on behalf of children and families. Learn the essential elements of engagement that promote positive relationships to achieve better outcomes.
This tip sheet for families explores how mental health consultants help adults build strong relationships with children. Consultants can help families address concerns about children's social-emotional development.
Infant and early childhood mental health consultants work with the adults in children’s lives to support social-emotional development. Learn how a child care program can benefit from working with a mental health consultant.
Explore these tips for developing and sustaining effective infant and early childhood mental health consultation.
Explore how infant and early childhood mental health consultants can use this resource to guide their family engagement work with early childhood professionals and families.
Head Start program staff are required to work in partnership with families to ensure they have access to any needed mental health services. This brief is designed to: (1) provide guidance for Head Start program staff to identify mental health providers who best meet a family's needs, culture, and personality, and (2) offer ideas to overcome access barriers.