Health Needs of Children Facing Rural Homelessness
This resource helps staff learn about and meet the health needs of children facing rural homelessness. Discover strategies to support health-related needs in rural communities.
Each year, more than 1 million young children experience homelessness in the United States. These children are automatically eligible for Head Start services. Homelessness is a circumstance families may experience when they are faced with such challenges as extreme poverty and lack of affordable housing. It can also occur when a family's current living situation becomes unsafe or unstable.
Homelessness is a state of vulnerability for children and families. It can expose them to physical, mental, and developmental risks. This resource collection features materials to help Head Start programs provide needed support to children and families experiencing homelessness.
Explore relevant eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment, and attendance (ERSEA) strategies and resources for supporting families in your program.
This resource helps staff learn about and meet the health needs of children facing rural homelessness. Discover strategies to support health-related needs in rural communities.
Explore the Office of Head Start's answers to common questions about serving families experiencing homelessness.
Families experiencing homelessness may face barriers to meeting their child’s oral health needs, including accessing oral health care. Learn tips to support their oral health.
This resource describes the health care needs of children experiencing homelessness, and it has tips for helping families access quality health care for their children.
Use this tool to reflect on your program’s relationship-building practices and plan for next steps in supporting families experiencing homelessness.
Consider how you might enhance what you already do to partner with families experiencing homelessness. Use this tool to reflect on your program’s relationship-building practices and plan for the next steps in supporting families experiencing homelessness.
Use this tool to determine a child and family's situation or status using the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act’s definition of “homeless children and youth.”
Working with local partners is a key strategy for identifying and reaching out to families experiencing homelessness.
Learn about the Maternity Group Homes (MGH) program. Discover how one MGH and Early Head Start program are working together to meet the needs of pregnant and parenting youth who are experiencing homelessness.
Hear how programs can partner with community agencies to help families who face homelessness. Learn how this effort can help programs reach children and families who are in need of services.