Highly Individualized Teaching and Learning in Preschool
This video provides practical strategies and tools to support highly individualized teaching and learning in ways that are beneficial to preschoolers' development and learning.
All children benefit from individualization. But some children, including children with identified disabilities, need more specialized and intensive support to access and participate in learning, social experiences, and activities.
These resources are designed to help program staff plan for and provide highly individualized instruction through specific teaching practices, adaptations to the environment and activities, adjustments to the daily schedule, and more.
This video provides practical strategies and tools to support highly individualized teaching and learning in ways that are beneficial to preschoolers' development and learning.
In this video, learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including developmental, learning, and behavior characteristics found in the ASD criteria. Hear family perspectives on supporting young children with ASD.
This session focuses on the specialized activities and accommodations that can, during normal routines, be provided in inclusive settings to serve an infant or toddler with a significant disability.