Brushing Your Child's Teeth
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay (cavities). Learn when to begin brushing a child’s teeth and how often.
These resources explain how Head Start programs can help families prevent tooth decay by using fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that is present in public water (tap water), most toothpaste brands, and fluoride applied by health professionals.
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay (cavities). Learn when to begin brushing a child’s teeth and how often.
This handout for parents describes silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and how it can be used to prevent and treat tooth decay. It also describes the benefits of using SDF on young children.
Learn about the role of fluoride — including fluoride toothpaste, fluoride supplements, fluoride varnish, silver diamine fluoride, and community water fluoridation — in the prevention and treatment of tooth decay.
Share this information with parents to help them ask the dentist if anesthesia or sedation should be used to treat their child’s tooth decay and what type should be used to make treatment safe and effective.
Discover information that Head Start staff can share with parents about how Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) works.
Learn why drinking water is important for good oral health and find resources Head Start staff can use to promote drinking water.
Fluoride is an element found in nature, including soil, rocks, and plants, and it prevents tooth decay. All water naturally has fluoride, but amounts vary. Learn more about the importance of fluoride and community water fluoridation.
Learn how fluoride works to prevent and repair tooth decay and tips Head Start staff can use to help parents understand the benefits of fluoride.
Learn about fluoride supplements and the role of Head Start staff in promoting them.
These posters are designed to share positive messages about drinking water with fluoride, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and children's oral health. Head Start and child care staff can use them as a teaching aid in Head Start and child care classrooms, and at parent events.