Partnering with Families for Head Start Programs and Schools
Explore evidence-based strategies and approaches for creating continuity for families and children as they transition to kindergarten.
Parents and families encourage and advocate for their child’s learning and development as they transition to new learning settings in early childhood, the primary grades, and beyond. In the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework, Family Engagement in Transitions is one of the seven family outcomes that impact child outcomes.
Explore evidence-based strategies and approaches for creating continuity for families and children as they transition to kindergarten.
Watch this video to learn about Head Start parents' hopes for their children as they prepare for kindergarten. Explore research-based strategies to build stability and consistency for children and families.
Discover resources and videos on the importance of engaging families and partnering with them in the transition to kindergarten.
Learn how a Head Start program partners with families as they prepare for kindergarten. Explore ways to partner with families and receiving elementary schools during children's transition to kindergarten.
Learn how Head Start staff can partner with families and introduce the importance of the transition to kindergarten from the start.
Use this resource to support staff as they help infants and toddlers develop the characteristics and skills they will need for later success in school and life.
Making a transition to a new care and learning setting can have an impact on families. Explore ways to support and help families feel secure as they get ready to make the move to a new setting.
Strategies used by a program to make families and communities support children’s school readiness.
Explore this resource to learn how supporting families in their relationships with their children promotes learning, healthy development, and later success in school and in life.
A New Mexico Head Start Program describes – in this video- how prepares children and families for their transition to Kindergarten through strong partnerships.