The Importance of Schedules and Routines
Learn the difference between schedules and routines and why they are important. Discover ways to partner with families on schedules and routines and reinstate them when programs reopen.
Discover the significance of schedules and routines in promoting children's learning and development.
These resources discuss how to create and maintain schedules and routines, partner with families, and support transitions between different stages of education.
Learn the difference between schedules and routines and why they are important. Discover ways to partner with families on schedules and routines and reinstate them when programs reopen.
In this episode of Teacher Time, learn more about transitions between programs as well as transitions that happen throughout the day in an infant/toddler program.
Daily schedules and routines help keep you organized. Research shows they also influence children’s social and emotional development. Learn how to develop your classroom schedules and routines in ways that will help you create and sustain a lively but well-organized classroom.
This in-service suite shows how schedules and routines help to promote children’s learning. Explore guidelines to create a daily classroom schedule that children can learn to follow.
Find out how predictable routines help infants and toddlers build a sense of trust and security. Learn tips for creating meaningful routines.
Find out how coaches can help teachers implement effective and engaging transitions in the preschool classroom.
Read these ideas for supporting the many kinds of transitions children and adults experience in Early Head Start.