Selection Criteria Development Worksheet
Use this worksheet to identify and evaluate the sources of data used to develop and maintain your program’s selection criteria.
This analysis provides information about the needs and resources of Head Start-eligible families and the community within a service area. This process informs the goal setting and design of new programs. Programs must review and update this data annually and the resources listed below offer assistance.
Community assessment, along with self-assessment, is one of the 12 program management systems on the Management Systems Wheel.
Use this worksheet to identify and evaluate the sources of data used to develop and maintain your program’s selection criteria.
This video explores how community assessment data offers the foundation for ERSEA decision-making and supports full enrollment.
Use this matrix to strategically plan early childhood education program operations and services during a pandemic.
Explore how a community assessment can help mobilize community resources and partnerships.
Explore community assessment standards and best practices. Learn how community assessments help programs remain responsive to the children and families they serve.
Review what should be included in a community assessment.
Consider how the data gathered during a community assessment will be used to inform strategic planning, goal setting, and decision-making.
The community assessment is a way to jumpstart the program planning process. Learn how the assessment helps Head Start programs provide key services to the children and families that need them.
Nothing ensures the success of a program more than community participation in assessing their perceived needs, strengths, and hopes for the future. Programs can use this resource to plan and coordinate their community assessment. It provides insight into public forums and listening sessions. Learn how to conduct them to engage your community in identifying and solving problems.
The community assessment describes the context in which Head Start programs operate and is useful for ensuring that the correct services are provided to the appropriate population. This resource can assist program staff in coordinating their efforts to gather information required for a community assessment. The assessment paints a picture of the community and describes the diverse needs of families who may receive services. In addition, the community assessment covers the community's history, its economic and political scene, and its strengths and challenges.