It’s Make-believable
Make-believe play is an important part of a research-based curriculum and practices you use every day. The sky is the limit as children create play experiences to explore scenarios from their world and beyond!
Approaches to Learning is one of the five central domains of the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF). It focuses on how children learn. These resources explore how children acquire the skills and behaviors they use to engage in learning, such as self-regulation, initiative, curiosity, and creativity.
Other ELOF domains include Social and Emotional Development; Language and Literacy; Cognition; and Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development.
Make-believe play is an important part of a research-based curriculum and practices you use every day. The sky is the limit as children create play experiences to explore scenarios from their world and beyond!
As children play, their brain builds connections that support many skills, including the skill of self-regulation. Learn how you can be the child’s most important teacher and “guide on the side” as they play.
Toddlers learn by following their curiosity. Learn how to support them as they gain new skills and concepts by exploring and experimenting. Discover ways you can guide their learning as they engage with the world.
Infants are born ready to learn. Learn strategies to support babies’ sensory experience of the world around them during their first year of life.
Explore creativity in this home visiting webinar. Learn how home visitors partner with parents to nurture creative minds, support the development of critical thinking, and foster problem-solving.
Explore research, home visiting strategies, and resources that support home visitors as they partner with families to promote cognitive self-regulation in young children.
This season of Teacher Time focuses on the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain. Each episode highlights teaching and learning experiences that support children’s approaches to learning in ways that are culturally and linguistically responsive and promote children’s sense of identity.
These four Teacher Time episodes focus on supporting the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain with preschoolers and their families.
These four Teacher Time episodes focus on supporting the four sub-domains of the ELOF Approaches to Learning domain with infants, toddlers, and their families.
Listen to Ross Thompson as he looks into the Head Start ELOF and Approaches to Learning.