1-2-3 Dance with Me
Did you know that experimenting with rhythm connects music, math, and culture? Model musical exploration, share in the joy, and follow children’s interests with types of music and ways to express themselves..
Play supports infants’ and toddlers’ development in so many ways. Incorporating physical activity into play time is a great way for children to learn and to stay healthy. Explore these resources for more about how to promote individualized opportunities for active play.
Did you know that experimenting with rhythm connects music, math, and culture? Model musical exploration, share in the joy, and follow children’s interests with types of music and ways to express themselves..
These episodes of Teacher Time highlight the joy of teaching and learning with preschool children. Learn practical strategies to engage in guided play, observation, intentional teaching, and inclusive practices.
Play is important for every child. Learn strategies for supporting inclusive learning experiences for infants and toddlers of all abilities.
Childhood obesity increases the likelihood of adulthood obesity. Explore these tips for creating a positive eating environment and using movement as a learning tool.
Through play, children learn about the world while practicing the skills that allow them to explore it. When we play with children, we provide learning environments that are rich with context and meaning. These joyful experiences help children learn!
Play supports infants’ and toddlers’ development. Learn how to incorporate more playful learning activities into your program. Examine techniques for creating play-friendly environments in centers and at home.
Identify playful learning activities that can support preschoolers’ motor and physical development. Explore scaffolding strategies and techniques for managing physical play.
Children learn through play every single day. Watch these videos to find out what — and how — children learn as they play.
Share this video on active play ideas for toddlers with parents on a home visit or during a socialization. Use this resource to help parents consider goals around physical activity.
In this video, learn about the specific learning that happens when infants and toddlers engage in messy play. Find out about effective practices staff can use to manage the mess while also managing the classroom.