Using Silver Diamine Fluoride on Children's Teeth
This handout for parents describes silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and how it can be used to prevent and treat tooth decay. It also describes the benefits of using SDF on young children.
For too many families, oral health care is hard to find. These resources highlight common barriers to accessing care and ways that Head Start programs can help families overcome those barriers.
This handout for parents describes silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and how it can be used to prevent and treat tooth decay. It also describes the benefits of using SDF on young children.
Find out how dental hygienists can work in partnership with Head Start programs to improve oral health for enrolled children and expectant families.
Learn how dentists can work in partnership with Head Start programs to improve oral health for enrolled children and expectant families.
See how medical providers like physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and physician assistants can work in partnership with Head Start programs to improve oral health for enrolled children and expectant families.
This brief for Head Start staff shares information about how teledentistry works, using teledentistry in public health settings, the benefits of using it in Head Start programs, and tips for getting started.
Families experiencing homelessness may face barriers to meeting their child’s oral health needs, including accessing oral health care. Learn tips to support their oral health.
These Brush Up on Oral Health tip sheets provide information on current practices and practical strategies to promote good oral health for pregnant women, children, and their families – both in the classroom and at home.
Learn how partnerships can increase access to oral health services for children in Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs. Find information about oral health care, financing oral health care, and planning ahead.
Every state has a dental hygienist liaison (DHL) to promote good oral health among Head Start participants. Learn about the role of DHLs and how they can help staff promote oral health and prevent oral disease.
Explore common barriers to finding oral health care. Learn why regular dental visits are important and offers tips for Head Start staff to help pregnant women and parents find and use oral health care.