Head Start Health Services Competencies
These tools, for new and experienced staff, address science-informed practices for early childhood health staff. Each is indicative of an attitude, knowledge, or skill. Use this for professional development.
Welcome, we are so glad you’re here! As a health and mental health services staff member, you are essential to making sure the wellness of children and families in your Head Start community is always a priority.
Are you new to the profession or maybe an experienced health professional new to the Head Start program? The resources below can help you become familiar with Head Start health, oral health, mental health, nutrition, and safety services.
Learn about the skills and knowledge needed to deliver high-quality services to children and families with the Head Start Health Services Competencies. The Health Manager Orientation Guide is an ideal starting point to strengthen the provision of health and behavioral health services across your program.
Other resources in this collection cover topics like mental health consultation, hearing and vision screening, and meal services
These tools, for new and experienced staff, address science-informed practices for early childhood health staff. Each is indicative of an attitude, knowledge, or skill. Use this for professional development.
Health Services Advisory Committees (HSACs) help programs to make decisions about health services. Learn how to plan, execute, and evaluate your HSAC.
Review these video clips to learn how to implement CACFP, including information about meal patterns, accommodations, how reimbursements are calculated, and creating positive food and eating environments.
Explore this collection of resources to learn about best practices for hearing and vision screening. Discover strategies to use when talking with families about hearing and vision screening procedures as well as follow-up.
Learn the definition of trauma and how it impacts young children. Discover how programs can be more trauma-informed.
In this guide, learn what a dental periodicity schedule is and the Head Start Program Performance Standards about oral exams.
Hazard mapping is a process that Head Start programs can use after an injury occurs. It helps for emergency preparedness planning related to natural disasters.
The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) service is Medicaid's comprehensive and preventive child health program for individuals under the age of 21.