Building Partnerships with Families Series
The goal of parent and family engagement is to work with families to build strong and effective partnerships. Explore these three resources to learn ways to strengthen relationships with families.
Welcome, we are so glad you’re here! As a family services staff member, you are essential to helping families identify and progress toward their goals and dreams for themselves and their children.
Are you new to the profession or maybe you have experience working with children and families but are new to family engagement in the Head Start program? The resources below can help you become familiar with Head Start family services and the importance of building respectful partnerships over time.
The goal of parent and family engagement is to work with families to build strong and effective partnerships. Explore these three resources to learn ways to strengthen relationships with families.
The Office of Head Start (OHS) Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework is a road map for progress. It is a research-based approach to program change. It is designed to help Head Start programs achieve outcomes that lead to positive and enduring change for children and families.
The Family Economic Mobility Toolkit shares information, ideas, inspiration, and hands-on resources to help Head Start staff partner with families on their journeys toward economic stability and mobility.
Family services managers can use this tool as a road map to plan and organize family services tasks and activities throughout the program year.
Review strategies to support the wellness of family services professionals and home visitors; the resource is written for program supervisors and leaders as well as family services staff and home visitors themselves.
In this series, learn more about the core knowledge and competencies early childhood professionals need. Find out how these skills are key to engaging families effectively in positive, goal-oriented relationships.
Learn how programs can enhance community engagement and partner with families. This series is intended to guide efforts to strengthen child and family outcomes.
Strong, healthy families give their children the best chance at success in school and in life. The Family Goal-Setting Guide explores how strong partnerships can positively influence the goals families set in the Family Partnership Process.