Father engagement is a vital and integrated aspect of parent, family, and community engagement work. Head Start staff engage fathers as advocates, lifelong educators, and first teachers of their children. Male family members and father figures serve key roles in the healthy development of their children and families, and have much to add to their Head Start communities. Explore these resources to learn ways to enhance your program’s father engagement efforts.
Birth to 5 Father Engagement Guide
Learn how staff can build strong, meaningful, and authentic relationships with fathers in Head Start programs. This guide includes engagement strategies and ideas for practice and reflection.
Five Ways Fathers Support Their Child’s Learning Every Day
Share this resource with fathers in your program to highlight the five ways fathers already support their child's learning each day.
Celebrate Fathers in Head Start Programs
Review this infographic to learn about the importance of the father-child relationship. Explore what the research says about fathers who are involved in their child's life. Find out what Head Start programs can do to partner with and engage fathers.
Celebrate What Fathers Do Every Day: Wall Posters
Have you ever wondered what fathers see, hear, and feel when they walk into your program, center, clinic, or office? Father-friendly environments can help to create opportunities for engagement. Create an environment fathers will want to be a part of!
Display these wall posters to celebrate fathers’ passion for their children and highlight the many things they do for their children very day. Posters are available for download in several sizes.
Father Engagement Strategies
Explore ways to engage fathers in children's development. These quick strategies can enhance father engagement efforts in early childhood programs.
Engaging Fathers Webinar
Discover strategies that Early Education Services in Brattleboro, VT used to engage fathers in their children's learning and development. Watch how fathers learn from one another, make connections, and build a community.
Fatherhood Connection Webinar Series
In this three-part webinar series, find out about effective and intentional father engagement. Learn how engaging fathers promotes children’s learning and development and strengthens the parent-child relationship.
Father Engagement: Las Manos de Apá Resources Series
Explore these resources to support Latino fathers as early literacy models for their children. Find a practice model to create father-friendly environments, build community, and share stories.
Last Updated: February 18, 2025