About Us

Transition to HeadStart.gov FAQs

Review the FAQs below to learn more about the website address transition from Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) to HeadStart.gov.

Can I still access the ECLKC website content?

All materials — including your favorite training and technical assistance resources, videos, and the Head Start Locator — are available at HeadStart.gov. Your overall experience with the design, navigation, and features hasn’t changed.

Do I need to update my bookmarks?

Yes, you will need to update your bookmarks to the HeadStart.gov URL.

Has my account information changed?

All your account information, including login credentials and saved settings, remains the same. This includes all of our services with login access, such as MyPeers, the Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio, and Coaching Companion. There’s no need to create a new account.

Subscriptions for receiving newsletters and emails from the Office of Head Start will also remain the same.

Is my personal information still secure?

Absolutely! The website’s security protocols remain intact.

Do search engines automatically update the web address?

Yes, but this process may take time. If you still see the ECLKC address in search results, it’s OK to follow those links as they will take you to the HeadStart.gov address.

Will the Contact Us email address change?

No. For the moment, it will remain HeadStart at eclkc dot info.