(En inglés)
Spatial Awareness Birth to 9 Months:
Math Learning Trajectories
Woman: Look at this one. Watch. Try that again. The yellow. I'm going to put the blue. Pink. Your turn. You can hold onto it. Put it inside. Or eat them all. Watch, watch. I'm gonna put the blue inside. It fits. Now look at this green one. Here. You feel it. Nice and round. Mmm.
Now let's put it inside again. Here we go, green. Whoop! Inside. Here's another orange round one. Here. You can feel it, too. Smooth. Yep. Got it?
Okay. Let's put this orange one inside now. Ready? So, you try. Got it? In it goes! Here's a yellow one.
CerrarEn este video, un niño hace un seguimiento visual de cómo su maestra coloca una taza dentro de otra. Este comportamiento refleja la meta IT-C 9 para niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 9 meses, quienes exploran objetos y los miran a medida que estos se mueven en el espacio (video en inglés).